Friday, March 27, 2009

I am never opening my big mouth again.

i am never going to say the word 'never' again.

I used to say I hated boybands. And then I fell madly in love with 911. I told Tania how much I thought Ila and Manda were a pair of stuck-up spoiled brats (they both know, don't worry =P), and now I can't be apart even only for one day from them. I thought Kings of Convenience was overrated, yet I nearly hung myself out of despair when I didn't watch their concert. I thought the job of a PR officer in a PR consultant firm didn't suit me, and look where I am now.
I despised Blackberry.

That's all I can say. Please, if you ever hear the words 'I will NEVER---' come out of my lips, stop me immediately. Dinda, please learn from your past mistakes.

On a much lighter note, me and the office stopped by Plaza Indonesia to lunch at Sushi Tei, then we went to Periplus, where they were having an all-out 80 % discounts. Guess what I found?
The plays of Shakespeare, and how much did they cost?
Rp. 5,000.

Five freakin' thousand Rupiahs and even got a few more percents off so in the end, one book costs Rp. 3,500.


I know, right, but I didn't buy it. It was a play, not a novel, and flipping by the pages I couldn't really understand the language and scenes. It was insane. But my colleague bought Much Ado About Nothing soooo I could borrow one day later I guess :D
I bought a criminal/detective hardcover book for Rp. 50,000 and a Cecilia Ahern for a hundred I think, but I got few more percents off because I used my HSBC card. All in all, for both satisfyingly fat books I paid Rp. 126,000,-

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I'm feeling bloggy today

Before I write anything, everyone, please download Snow Patrol - Crack the Shutters. Beautiful song and an even more beautiful voice. ;)

By the way, I just thought I'd add something to the classic books I've been craving to read. I want Catcher in the Rye (Is it the correct title?) by J.D.Salinger and also As You Like It.
Also, I did find The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in my campus' library, but didn't check it out, seeing as I've been fined a few thousand Rupiahs for forgetting to return books on time. =S
Aside from PR, I had wanted to major in English Lit or Hospitality/Tourism. Then again I wanted to go to a uni abroad, so maybe you shuld just not listen to me, seeing how my needs and wants change every few seconds. :D
Woohoo it's raining again, I love it! I'd better take a bath first, people. And find Biffy. Last time I checked she was all curled up under the phone table, scared to death by the thunders.

the things I miss (and crave for):

morning, sunshines!

It's a national day-off today. So I woke up at around ten and stretched and stretched like there's no tomorrow.
Hey, you know one thing that people don't know about me? It's the tiny little fact that I adore classic movies. We used to have the MGM channel at the house here, but that was a long time ago when we still lived in, I don't know, Bumi Bintaro Permai? Jeez, that was a hell of a long time ago and of course, being infatuated with boybands, I didn't even glance at MGM back then. MTV was my only hero, all day and night.

I do love classics. I mean, aside from the way they dress and talk, I love the simple love stories. Once I had the opportunity to watch Rebel Without A Cause with the fabulous James Dean in it. I just sat there gawking at him haha I mean come on, that is what you call a classic good look on a man!! He's tough, yet crumbles when he's near the girl he adores, and he stands up against people that he disagrees with, and of course, he smokes. I also recently watched the one with Warren Beatty on it but I forgot the title. It's the one where he lives in a flaat, and his neighbor is a sophisticated lady, and.....shoot I really forgot.

I've been craving all these years to watch Breakfast at Tiffany's and of course, also read the book. I was on a singing euphoria when I watched Sound of Music and I enjoyed the dancing, even. Though, you know what I love the most? It might not be so much as a real, true-to-the-bone classic, but I really love the movie that's in the picture up there.
I mean, I literally watched it like a dozen times because I fell in love with it the first time I saw it. Pink Ladies and Thunderbirds rocked my world. And I was so darn excited too when my high school class decided to take that theme for the yearbook ;)
I also have this little part of me that's so very curious about Shakespeare. I want to read his creations (despite the fact that I once read Pride and Prejudice and didn't understand a thing about it. All I know is, Elizabeth fell madly in love with Mr. I'm-too-cool-for-words Darcy, and then what? The advanced English was way too smart for me; let alone Mr. Shakespeare's!) I watched Shakespeare in Love years ago, the one with Ralph Fienne in it, and got so hooked by the story that I googled it (please don't sue me) and learned the fascinating fact that the movie was made based on various Shakespeare novels. The part when Gwyneth had to pretend to be a boy was actually adapted from Twelfth Night. The part about them being star-crossed lovers, well, unless you've been living under a rock whilst every teenager in the world is salivating over Leonardo DiCaprio, is taken from Romeo & Juliet.
The movie with the grogeous Channing Tatum in it, and Amanda Bynes, you know the one called She's the Man? That's also adapted from Twelfth Night. (And so I heard an Indonesian sinetron is copying it, the one with that young actress Chelsea something? Not that I'm surprised with our beloved country's obsession of copycat-ing, but my, Will Shakespeare must be stirring in his grave if he knew.)

So if anyone shares the same excitement and passion for classic novels and movies (no classic songs for me, thanks) do elaborate. I might not be an expert on those movies, which is why I'd love to learn more. I haven't met any of my friends who is also passionate for that kind of thing, to be honest.
And word of advice, if you've got MGM in your cable at home, please don't waste it. Trust me. Boybands and box office movies come and go, but classics are never out of date. Hey, maybe that's why they call it a classic.
I wanna go hunt for DVDs !

Monday, March 23, 2009

but it's nice today

So one of my bestfriends is getting married next year. I went to her lamaran last Saturday night with the usual crowd--it was fun. I can't imagine how my friend felt though, haha. I mean, I guess when the time and person is meant to be, then it's meant to be, right?
Tsk. Such a grown-up thing to discuss for a beginning of a blog entry.
Anyways, how was everyone's weekend? Jakarta's been filled with clouds and thunders that blast mercilessly these past few days.
Hmm I've been preoccupied with quite a few stuff. I have to make one of the most difficult decision ever this week; will tell you later about it. Over the weekend I watched Friends DVDs; never fails to crack me up, hee hee.
I want to thank Ms. Runi for her reply on my post below, about the cat language we never really know. Tsk. I will post more mind-boggling topics in this blog later, ladies and gentelemen. Right now my head is kind of aching and my tummy feels funny. Hey check out what Mr. Mraz stated in one of his songs:

'It takes no time to fall in love; but it takes you years to know what love is."

That's my closing message for tonight, peoples. Mull over it, think about it, try to warp your brains around it. He is the master of words, isn't he? *sigh.
Well, time to hit the bed!
Muchas gracias.