A few things I learned as of Saturday, 23:30 p.m., the second month of the year:
1. This eye infection thingy is not going away anytime soon and I will forever be neurotic everytime I feel it itch for whatever reason.
2. Closure can be found in the most unexpected, inappropriate timing and place; but still feels equally relieving.
3. How you see yourself and how others see you are two very, very, unbelievably different things.
4. Having your mind read by other people is, well, normal. Don't put too much thought into it and definitely don't make it seem like a much bigger deal than it really is.
5. Strangers will surprise you. A certain sentence coming out of their mouth will surprise you, throw you off, catch you off guard, resulting in a quickening pulse climbing up from your chest and eventually a small movement creeping into your face no matter how hard you try to hide it.
6. And when that happens, it's ok. Smile. Grin. Laugh.
7. When something feels right, admit it. At least to yourself. Seriously, if you're still going to put up an ego fight with yourself, you should check into rehab. With you, you don't have an audience thus there's no need for the ego to shine through. Or worse, pride.
8. There's this type of...flower, that you thought you've stomped and torn down to pieces with its thorns still attached, that just keeps resurrecting at times when you need it the most--even if you never realized it. Maybe they come from seasonal trees. But whatever it is, you can't shake the happiness from your insides when you encounter them again out of the blue. Happy not because of the pounding heartbeat or whatever teeny-bopper symptoms they explain in chick flicks--happy because you feel content. As if the time never leaves and the moment always stays. Happy because it feels right. And when it feels right, well......
9. Being surrounded by positive, like-minded people is one of the best things that can happen to you in your entire life.
10. Accept the fact that you tend to like someone too quickly and too damn easily. And then accept the fact that the feeling only reaches the surface and thus it may only be a shield to your otherwise closed-up, barricaded steel of self emotions. Like an appearance to make you seem more human to the naked eye. Accept the fact that it usually takes a long, heavily-assessed period of time for you to actually fall and drown without life jackets and don't be too proud to yell "help" once that happens. Be more clever in telling these two apart. Which one gives you a rush of blood and an exciting tickle in your stomach and which one gives you a rare calming effect that did not know existed and touches the very core of this overrated, beating thing called heart.
11. It's okay not to be interested if you are really not--this applies to anything. You should only spend time for those you're really passionate for because you know that when you like something, you go all out and make sure you give your damn best efforts, which will make all the waiting worth the wait. (Oh, it will.)
12. It's. okay. to make. bad. decisions. They make the best stories afterwards.
(...this is not me we're talking about here. Of course. Except no.1. Of course.)